Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Descartes philosophy Essay - 789 Words

Descartes’ â€Å"evil genius scenario† provides the possibility for the existence of an evil genius that is in control of our world in place on an omnipotent god. By in control, I mean that he would in some magical way compose our lives by his own will, thus making any certain knowledge about material objects impossible. This scenario presents some real questions with Descartes’ argument because it basically completely rules out the possibility of any god. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;We are imagining that Dr. Spiritus has invaded a small rural hospital and has stolen the brains of several babies. He places the brains in a large vat, provides them with the essential nutrients as well as hooking them up to electrodes that feed the false†¦show more content†¦Once we accept this, the possibility of an evil genius would be destroyed. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Should it prove impossible to determine that one is not among the victims, epistemological problems would then arise. The first and foremost problem is that we could no longer have any certain knowledge. This is so because if there was an evil genius, no empirical knowledge could be certain. This is obvious because if we were a victim of Dr. Spiritus, everything we know would be nothing be a dream conjured by the evil genius. If we could not prove that we weren’t a victim of Dr. Spiritus’ evil plot, the only thing we could be sure of is that we have a mind and our mind has thoughts. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is there some empirical or non-empirical procedure that one might use to determine whether one is a brain in a vat rather than in a real person? The answer to this is simply no. When a human has a dream, they think that the events in the dream are actually taking place and have no idea that they are actually fast asleep in their beds. If our brain was in a vat instead of in a living body, the things that would be seen and felt would be nothing more than a mere dream. Therefore, it would be impossible to devise some sort of a test to determine the actual location of your brain. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Assuming that Dr. Spiritus has totalShow MoreRelatedDescartes Vs. Descartes Philosophy1142 Words   |  5 Pages Rene Descartes’ begins to illustrate his skeptical argument as presented in Meditation l. Descartes basic strategy to approaching this method of doubt is to defeat skepticism. This argument begins by doubting the truth of everything, from evidence of the senses to the fundamental process of reasoning. Therefore, if there is any truth in the world that overcomes the skeptical challenge then it must be indubitably true. Thus, creating a perfect foundation for knowledge. The first Meditation is anRead MoreDescartes Meditations Of First Philosophy857 Words   |  4 PagesChristopher Joao Philosophy- 201 Mr. Jurkiewicz 4 March 2016 Descartes’ - Meditation #2 Rene Descartes was a French philosopher born in 1596. 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